воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bad chord company guitar

After deciding to watch the older Brotherhood 2.0 videos that hadnapos;t seen when I first started watching the vlogbrothers, I found out that Hank and Johnapos;s parents LIVE IN ASHEVILLE

In other news, I need a job that pays. I donapos;t have any money. Iapos;m going to try Borders tomorrow after work (I would go today, but seeing as itapos;s Sunday that chances of a hiring manager being there today are slimmer than tomorrow).

Things excited for:
Raisin in the Sun opening
The election
Meeting/Seeing John and Hank Green
Twilight screening party of wonderment

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Happy Birthday, Lena (:

I can proudly say that I am not domestically challenged. To cook a hard-boiled egg, you put it the egg in a pot filled with water, on a stove, and turn the heat up till it boils. Therefore the word, boiled. Not microwaved or exploded. Which I find so hilarious, by the way.

So, Iapos;ve got a two-thousand word essay to write by Monday morning, but Iapos;ve only gone as far as the cover page and thirty-two words. Way to go, Ants. Only one-thousand-nine-hundred-and-sixty-eight more words to go. I just canapos;t seem to find the motivation and words to say what I want to say today. Maybe Iapos;m tired.

And I feel like having half-priced steaks and oysters now.

I think Iapos;ll cook an omelette later on.

Anyway, there was this first model Lamborghini outside the cafe I usually go to get a take away coffee. Really nice. And itapos;s car plate said, "FOR FUN". Like damn... And it just makes me wonder hoe did these people get so rich. Working hard and smart? Maybe? Either that or theyapos;re just famous.

Well, Iapos;ve been to that cafe so often, like once every couple of days, I think. And itapos;s always the same people working there, so when I walk in, they start making the coffees and I donapos;t really have to say what I want to get. Itapos;s funny. Theyapos;re really friendly and they talk to me about how their day or week has been and everything.

And on Thursday, they told me this funny story about a regular customers.
Thereapos;s this guy who dines at their cafe every evening and orders a barramundi and a glass of wine. And one evening when the boss saw the guy walking in, he put the barramundi to cook immediately, and the lady behind the bar counter poured a glass of wine. But when the boss went to welcome the guy into the restaurant, talk to him and take his order, the guy said, "Iapos;m ordering steak tonight."

And the boss got a shock.

And when the lady served the guy the glass of wine, he said, "I didnapos;t order any wine..."

This is just one of the theories of how "assumption" makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me" -- ASSUME.

Good evening.

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clie peg sony tg50

Sorry Iapos;ve been so out of touch--Iapos;ve been online, but not at the library, and havenapos;t had much time to post lately.

Job searching news: I�got an interview a little while back, and the thrift store wants to start me...as soon as the background check comes back. Which it hasnapos;t yet, and itapos;s been over a week. Iapos;ve been jittery about that for some strange reason, and it ainapos;t easy to deal with.

Other news: Iapos;ve been hitting YouTube a lot lately...see below for my current "I love this song" Actually, once I�got out of�the little rut Iapos;ve been in and actually checked out some other German-language bands there, I�stumbled upon this little goodie. (And is it just me, or does Dero make a very hot Mad Hatter?) There are some other damn good Oomph�songs on there too, but I donapos;t want to bore anyone with my squeeing.

Making this quick, so...gotta go.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

city of nome alaska

I got a new car yesterday. 2005 black sunfire. Itapos;s freakin sweet. So if anyone is looking for a car, Dorian Ford has some really good deals for under $10,000.
Iapos;ve gone and gotten another tattoo. Number 4. I think Iapos;m addicted. Iapos;d put pictures up, but Iapos;ve lost my camera. Again.
Things are going well with the bf. Finally after two and a half years. I just wish things outside our relationship could go as well. We canapos;t move out now, because he just got laid off. Which means no house, no saving money, no anything.
And Iapos;m bummed Iapos;m going to be the last one to get married.
LeAnna and Josh are already married. Faith and Dustin are getting married in like 7 months, and then thereapos;s Cris and I. Doomed to be just bf and gf for at least another three and a half years. Even though Iapos;ve had this nice shiny ring on my finger since graduating high school (months before LeAnna and Josh even got engaged), it doesnapos;t feel the same because we still have to wait so long. Though I think in the end, it might work to our advantage. Because at least when (if) we get married, we will be living together (not with our parents like someone I know) and weapos;ll have enough good credit to do things on our own (also not like someone I know). And, even if we get married in three and a half years, weapos;ll already have been together for 6 years. We wonapos;t be irresponsible eighteen-year-olds who canapos;t take care of themselves or canapos;t even stand eachother half the time (Faith, you know who Iapos;m talking about). Even though we have to wait, I wonapos;t be the one saying, "If he doesnapos;t stop playing video games, Iapos;m going to seriously divorce him."
Though itapos;s irritating now, going to school full-time and working full-time, and watching everyone else get to be happy.
So for now, Iapos;ll just be excited for Faithapos;s wedding, until I have something of my own to be excited about.
Dear Faith,
Starting Monday, you can get to start planning your own wedding (now that your sisterapos;s insanity is over). Iapos;m really happy you and Dustin are getting married, and Iapos;m really excited that, as your bridesmaid, I get to dance with Mitch and/or John. Heehee.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

environmental pollutions


Students were shown the overhead of Tuesday's reminders, with the date change for the Communities reading and coloring worksheet moved to 10/16 as the due date.� This was assigned on 10/8.�

REMINDER:� Chapter 20 notes, all 3 sections, are due according to the Cornell Notes, in the binders on Friday, 10/17.� The quiz over ch. 20---OPEN NOTES----will be Wed, 10/22.� All of these were on the overhead today and are also on the D.E.B.

Please scroll to the REMINDERS posting on Oct. 14 on this page to get the rest of the reminders.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

deleon springs park

So, today I took the PSAT.� It was a lot easier than I�expected, although, it still sucked.� I hate tests in general, and all tests specifically.� Especially the hard ones.� The good thing about the PSAT was that we didnapos;t do anything in Chemistry today - we just watched videos of some English people blowing things up using Potassium and Phosphorus.� It was fun.�

Iapos;m so glad its early release day.� If it wasnapos;t, I might have had to think during school today.� As it was, I didnapos;t.

At lunch we talked about Hong Kong.� I always thought it was a city in China, but Jenna says itapos;s a country north of China.� If itapos;s a country, why does my map at home say that itapos;s a city in China?� The only countries north of China are Mongolia and Russia.� Where is Hong Kong the country?� Does it even exist?� The world may never know...

The weather is acting weird right now.� First, it gets cold, then it gets hot.� I think itapos;s trying to confuse us in order to drive us insane and then itapos;ll be amused by our antics.� Or maybe it just feels like confusing us...I donapos;t know.

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Hurts. Allergies have turned into a sinus infection.

I am being bombarded by requests -- damn economic melt down. There are times when I wish I werenapos;t competent and a boon to my clients, no matter how many appreciative emails they send me.


Yes, yes, I know I shouldnapos;t complain since my folks do like and and do appreciate what I do for them, but damn, they can be so demanding. There are times when I wish theyapos;d just go away and let me catch my breath.
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