Sorry Iapos;ve been so out of touch--Iapos;ve been online, but not at the library, and havenapos;t had much time to post lately.
Job searching news: I�got an interview a little while back, and the thrift store wants to start me...as soon as the background check comes back. Which it hasnapos;t yet, and itapos;s been over a week. Iapos;ve been jittery about that for some strange reason, and it ainapos;t easy to deal with.
Other news: Iapos;ve been hitting YouTube a lot lately...see below for my current "I love this song" Actually, once I�got out of�the little rut Iapos;ve been in and actually checked out some other German-language bands there, I�stumbled upon this little goodie. (And is it just me, or does Dero make a very hot Mad Hatter?) There are some other damn good Oomph�songs on there too, but I donapos;t want to bore anyone with my squeeing.
Making this quick, so...gotta go.
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